Richter is a magnitude scale used to quantify the amount of seismic energy in a quake. Righteousness is something that most Christians aspire to have. In today’s culture I see so often God’s people attempting to quantify their righteousness. This happens by trying to do all of the right “Christian” tasks that gain them approval in their religious system. Jesus said that we should aspire to be like Him. However, I believe our focus is often off of Him and on what our religious culture tells us is acceptable righteousness.
The saddest part for me to watch and experience is what is being considered righteous, very often looks nothing like Jesus. The Bible states that even our best is like filthy rags—Isaiah 64:6 and that no person is holy, no not one. There is a scale being created and encouraged in God’s people. Many Christians are doing what they think will gain them favor in the eyes of their religious system and thinking very little about what God is asking of them, specifically. I see so many strive to do everything right to gain the approval of others, but when the day comes that they gain the courage to question or disagree with certain practices, they are treated as outcasts.
Christians that are more concerned about being loyal to a system than the love of God, often refuse to even say hello or smile at the defector at the gym, grocery store, etc. There is nothing Christ-like about that. What an awful example that is to unbelievers. Those same people, are whispered about, labeled and criticized and many times the people whispering have never even talked to the so- called, “guilty” person and heard their heart.
This reaction also sends a fear-based message through the ranks that you should never question or behave the way the defector has, or else you will be an outcast as well. We don’t validate the problem addressed, but dismiss it entirely and turn against the person who brought the issue to light. Is it pride or fear that keeps us from listening and validating? Maybe it’s a little of both. This is a very divisive and destructive practice.
Agreeing to disagree is not accepted. This is a method of control. “When they come back to us and see the light, then everything will be ok”, but these individuals are still whispered about for years, even if they come back to climb the Righteous Richter. Can everything be ok if we believe differently or live differently? Instead of looking at the other person’s feelings, we dismiss them until they align again with our own. There is no humility in that way of relating. This excuses the person in control of the “Righteous Richter” from needing to look at themselves.
I don’t want to have to answer to God one day for the trail of blood (wounds that I have inflicted on others by cutting them out of my life). Why would we look for reasons to disqualify others from our life that we are going to spend an eternity with?
Putting one another in a box with a label, somehow makes us feel better about ourselves, as if we are on a reality show like Survivor, and it’s a contest with God to find out who will be the last and best Christian standing. I watch leaders that are unable to even encourage one another, unless it personally benefits them to do so. There is so much competition among believers, that it literally makes my stomach hurt. I had to remove myself from the unhealthy competitive arena, because I don’t want to compete with others. Can we validate others and be happy for them, even if it’s not our idea or doesn’t bring attention to us, or our “cushy world”?
God needs His people on this earth to work together and love one another in harmony. What good is it if we only love those that show us love back or agree with us inside of our system? It is far greater to love and show His love to all, just as Christ did as He walked the earth. As leaders, we have become more focused on how people can serve us, and our egos, than how we can serve others.
When we lose the ability to be humble, then we have placed ourselves on the scale higher than others and what we believe is closer to God than others. When in fact, all we are doing in the long run is losing credibility because no one can be right all the time.
I have a hard time coming to grips with how God’s people can reach out to unbelievers with the love of God, when they can’t even accept believers where they are. Somehow it’s easier for us to help strangers in another country before we help the hurting people right in front of us. When we treat others that believe or live differently than us (whether it’s sinful living or simply preference), like they are beneath us and not worthy our time, then we have placed ourselves on a scale higher than them in our minds. Once we know the hopes of them joining our church or system is futile, our behavior towards them often changes. My belief is that God cares much more about our heart and love for one another than the details of our “acts” of righteousness or in what building we chose to worship Him.
Christ IS our righteousness and He is the epicenter of our hearts. That alone should ripple out into our lives and into others. We have been operating in reverse, which is doing righteous acts to clean up our heart. For instance, we sometimes believe it’s acceptable to treat others badly because we had our hour quiet time, that morning. Going to church more than your neighbor, singing in the choir, being a regular financial giver etc. are being focused on more than loving and caring for one another.
We have become human doings, rather than human beings. Many are so focused on what God is calling them to do, that they miss out on what God is calling them to be. I believe the most important thing God has called us to be is lovers of Him and others, with our whole heart. How can we love others, when we can’t even love those closest to us? We shouldn’t be preoccupied with others love toward us, but focus on our responsibility in the love process. “Seek first the kingdom of God and HIS righteousness, then all these things, will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33
Righteous Richter Part 1- “Last Christian Standing”